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Ideas, opinion, random ramblings

Please be aware that anything posted here is copyrighted by me. It's mine. IF on any occasion you should feel like using my stuff someplace else then you MUST ask permission first and follow my conditions.

Besides that, everything posted here is based on my opinion, my ideas, my views. They may not comply with your's. That's not my fault and I cannot be held responsible for that. And while some things might be offending to some of you I can assure you that none of the things posted here are illegal based on German law. Just in case you wanted to know.

Essays, stories, episodes

Mom-Bashing 21 June 2004
JellowCat found a new love 24 February 2005
Lokalpatrioten 31 July 2005
FOR GIRLS ONLY!!! By clicking this link you acknowledge being a girl. 27 August 2005
Shirt up! 23 September 2005
What's on YOUR desktop? 09 March 2006
Funny Finds 09 May 2006


My Wishlist. Feel free to buy me whatever is on there! Mwahahaha!

  part of - ©2004 JellowCat Productions