Wednesday, 21 April 2004

New Hostee!
music: still Guano Apes
mood: sleepy?

04:59 (gmt+1) Hehe, Breebsie has her site up. Yep, another lovely hostee razz Cracked me up with her link back note LOL

Breebsie, I'll add you to hostees soon as I can, kay? Anie

Site stuff, RL stuff
music: Guano Apes - the Don't Give Me Names album
mood: contemplative

02:30 (gmt+1) I realize I have to update a couple of pages. Updating as in deleting content and adding new. Just answered an email from someone wanting to help me out explaining that I'm really looking for help/info on other stuff. Yeah. Only that's not gonna happen today, because my studies are keeping me busy, confused and constantly overtired, thankyouverymuch. plain At least it's all a little bit interesting. I wouldn't be doing this if I weren't interested to a certain degree at least. ...Same thing with the tutorial section. Updatewise, I mean... No friggin time. Apart from the fact that I really could only write about the basics. I've got a couple of links, but I want to check them out before posting them. I prefer to know what sort of site I'm linking to. Anie [more]

Tuesday, 20 April 2004

Update... conclusion

00:40 (gmt+1) I'm done messing with my blog. Should look and work fine now. (Except the way my welcome message appears in the archives... but oh well.) I archived the old updates (because I can't ever throw things out blush ) so they're still here. Off to bed now. Early start tomorrow, gonna find out if I'll make it to Polish class or not. Plus should get my ass to gym again since didn't go last week. First date with comic dealer this Tuesday night. Got mixed feelings about it since comic dealer about ten years older than me. Anie

Welcome to!

23:45 (gmt+1) This domain is, in fact, not that new anymore, and there's some improving going on all the time, so to speak, and I'm really doing my best to make this a cool place to be. If you should encounter any errors, dead links and the like don't hesitate to drop me a line. Or email me just for the heck of it. I'd appreciate it! Anie

Monday, 19 April 2004


23:22 (gmt+1) Decided I won't have a separate updates page since too confusing. Also need something to write in here. LOL This blog will feature the site updates from now on as well as babbling, rambling and other blog stuff. the latest updates will be on top. or maybe not. but they will definitely be titled "update". Anie [more]

Saturday, 3 April 2004

Community blog for project:Symbiosis

22:48 (gmt+1) Here it is now: The Community blog for project:Symbiosis. This is the place for everyone hosted at where you can seek help, give assistance, tell us about an update on your site, ramble about what's going on in your life or just chat. Comments are welcome from anyone (as long as you behave wink). Anie [more]

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