Saturday, 14 January 2006

New Layout. Duh!
music: Die Ärzte - Friedenspanzer

17:12 (gmt+1) I guess there's not much to say, huh? razz I finally had some time left besides uni and I thought I'd treat myself to some time out on my website. Muahahahaha... LOL Now I just need to get myself to update my fanlistings also before the TFL people put me on the troubles list. It's only that I'd much rather go on re-reading the Harry Potter series (just started volume five last night) which definitely will keep me from studying properly for the next four weeks before semester break starts. But I miss reading for leisure ever since I started studying. I need to reserve some time for that, also. So yeah. Enjoy the new layout! And check out the must click links! Anie

Wednesday, 4 January 2006

OMG Updates!
music: some Polish radio station

19:52 (gmt+1) Yes, indeed. There have been some minor changes on the site because of some major changes of hostees. People have been moving in and out of here, in fact, I kicked some of you for not updating. To those remaining on Be warned! angry, grr wink So in case you wondered, I updated the hostee section.
Besides that, uni is being a pain. I have an essay and another writing assignment due next Tuesday and a presentation on uni history next Wednesday. The Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder (my uni) is gonna be 500 years old this April and it's gonna be a huge thing, with events pretty much every day. I fear we won't be studying next semester. LOL No, just kidding, but there's so much going on already! The presentation I'm doing is for a seminar that helps prepare a CD that, among other things, will include a virtual tour through the old university buildings and a uni history from the foundation in 1506 until today. Anie

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